What A Christian Needs

Pastor Jason Whyte

July 21, 2024

In this message, we will be looking at James 5:7-12 and we will be focusing on the patience that a Christian needs, to be a follower of Christ and live in this world.

Messages In This Series



What A Christian Has

June 23, 2024
Pastor Jim Burr

In this message, we discover why James says that we can have confidence in the midst of our trials, and what it looks like to live out our faith with confidence, being active participants and not mere bystanders.



What A Christian Does

June 30, 2024
Pastor Jason Whyte

In this message, we will be looking at James, chapter two, and we are going to be focusing on faith in action and what a christian does.



What A Christian Says

July 7, 2024
Pastor Jason Whyte

In this message, we will be looking at James 3:1-12 and we will be focusing on our speech and how, as Christians, what we say matters.



What A Christian Feels

July 14, 2024
Pastor Jason Whyte

In this message, we will be looking at James 4:1-10 and we are going to be focusing on the grief that we should feel when we step outside of God's path for our life.



What A Christian Needs

July 21, 2024
Pastor Jason Whyte

In this message, we will be looking at James 5:7-12 and we will be focusing on the patience that a Christian needs, to be a follower of Christ and live in this world.

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