As we head into this new year there are some things that scripture reminds us to do in order to live the life that God has called us to. Every year most of us make resolutions that often get broken only to result in us retreating back to old habits, thoughts and actions. In this message, Pastor Jason Whyte lists three things to implement into our new year that will help us to not only have a great year but help us to live out what God desires for us to do and be who He desires us to be.
If you watch TV long enough, you will undoubtedly see men depicted in a poor light. Mostly, because people think that it is humorous and expected. I want to ask and answer the questions: “what would happen if men went from behaving badly to men behaving Godly?” and “what would this man look like?” Join us as we study through Psalm 112 this Father's Day to get the real truth on the subject.
In this stand-alone message, we are going to dig into the not so popular topic of giving and tithing. This topic often gets shunned and looked down upon when churches and preachers preach on this topic because we often don’t fully understand it. Our hope is through this message we will gain a better understanding of what tithing is and how God wants us to use it to worship Him and in return for Him to bless us.
This coming Thursday we will sit down with our family to celebrate one of the longest running Holiday traditions in America. Dating back to 1863 when President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of "Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.” For centuries people have been doing Thanksgiving in many different ways. In this message we will spend a little time talking about something I think we can all get behind when it comes to how God wants us to do not only Thanksgiving but all the days we are living. Thanksgiving should be a reason to worship and praise God, our heavenly Father for blessing us and giving us all that we need.
In this message, we will look at the Christmas story through the eyes of the shepherds. And in the shepherd's pursuit of Jesus as their hope, they provide us with a template for how we should respond to the news of Jesus ourselves — because He is our hope, too.